Admin relief packages

You've got mail! An admin relief package, specially tailored to your business support needs.

As you know, administrative operations comprise of diverse tasks. From replying to emails and inquiries to scheduling appointments and sending contracts.

Not to mention the follow up duties that stand knocking on your door after you've finished the first set of tasks.

It's an ongoing responsibility. Thank goodness you don't have to worry about it now that you learned about my admin assistance services.

Now you can free up that brain space to focus on being creative and scale your business!

I offer 3 types of packages:

  • The package with one admin task of your choice

  • The package with two or more admin tasks of your choice covered as 'pick & mix'

  • The package with all the admin support options covered as 'admin full support'

Pick the admin assistance service that fits your needs to continue

Inbox zero Never miss out on opportunities More free time to do what you love Scale your business

How it works




Pick a package

Online meet and greet


Are we a good fit? Yay!
Let's sign the contract and get straight to work.



You know what they say,
never change a winning team: REPEAT!



Explore the land: XXS - XS

The packages within this range are great for exploring the land of outsourcing and to determine which set amount of hours works for you if you're new to delegating. One step at a time, at your own pace.

Enjoy couple of hours of weekly support from me whilst you get the hang of working with a VA.

Assistance package available starting from 2 hours a week.

Great for businesses that need assistance, but don't want to hire a fulltime employee.

Fresh air: S - L

These packages are recommended when you have much work load and desire assistance from a professional in handling customer's demands, whilst you focus on core business activities.

It's great if your business is up and running with multiple customers demands and you are ready to bring a professional on board to handle them adequately.

Great for businesses that need assistance, but don't want to hire a fulltime employee.


2 hours weekly support

excl. VAT


  • Inbox organization

  • Incoming email filtered and handled in Dutch or English

  • Weekly progress reports


Why you should have made inquiry yesterday:

Excellent customer service and administrative support from a professional

Create loyal customers through excellent customer service and build lucrative long-term relationships.

Gain your customers trust with consistent improved brand image

Increase conversion. Get your potential customers to purchase from you and turn your leads into sales

Gain a competitive advantage strengthening your reputation in the market place

Increase your daily productivity and efficiency

More free time to do what you love

  • Inbox organization

  • Incoming email filtered and handled in Dutch or English

  • Weekly progress reports

excl. VAT


excl. VAT





excl. VAT

8 hours weekly support


excl. VAT

10 hours weekly support


5 hours weekly support

4 hours weekly support

  • Inbox organization

  • Incoming email filtered and handled in Dutch or English

  • Weekly progress reports

  • Inbox organization

  • Incoming email filtered and handled in Dutch or English

  • Weekly progress reports

  • Inbox organization

  • Incoming email filtered and handled in Dutch or English

  • Weekly progress reports